Natural stone rings

Collection: Natural stone rings

What if we put the ring on your finger? But be careful, not just any ring!

With our superb natural stone rings , adorn yourself with a magical and magnificent shine, while enjoying the benefits of lithotherapy.

Each stone has its own vibration and unique virtues. So browse our collection and discover the jewel that suits you.

The benefits of a lithotherapy stone ring

With lithotherapy minerals, all tastes are in nature. The mineral world comes in an infinite number of nuances and vibrations, with a particular effect on the body and mind. To choose the right semi-precious stone ring , it is therefore essential to know the virtues of your crystal.

Amethyst , for example, is a favorite of therapists, but also gemologists. This purple quartz has soothing properties . It is perfect for calming an agitated mind, but also for relieving certain pains such as headaches.

Other semi-precious stones like moonstone or labradorite will help you develop your intuition . These minerals with mystical energy will help you see beyond appearances and trust your extrasensory feelings. A moonstone ring will further connect you to your sacred Feminine, and will envelop you in a feeling of serenity at all times.

For work on the heart chakra , the center of compassion, you will opt for a rose quartz ring . This crystal full of tenderness will help you nourish love in your life. It will be perfect for cultivating harmonious relationships, whether with your lover, your family or your friends.

Wear a citrine ring to cultivate optimism and joy of life. The yellow sun stone will infuse you with energy of enthusiasm in all circumstances.

Ruby or garnet , for their part, will be perfect for regaining your grounding and your vitality . They also promote blood purification and support the circulatory system.

A tourmaline ring will have the same effects, and will also protect you against negative energies . With its therapeutic waves, it also stimulates the healing of physical injuries and illnesses.

Finally, aquamarine and blue topaz stimulate the throat chakra. They will therefore help you develop your self-expression : goodbye shyness, hello fluid and confident communication!

To familiarize yourself in more detail with the virtues of our jewelry, take the time to browse our collection of natural stone rings .

Natural stone rings Karma Yoga Shop

For all our natural stone jewelry , our goal is to offer you the best.

To do this, our expert gemologist verifies the quality and authenticity of our semi-precious stones . Each stone is analyzed to guarantee an adornment that is as beautiful as it is beneficial.

Our quality values ​​are shared by our employees in India, in charge of manufacturing. We therefore ask them to source their raw stone from quality deposits and ethical practices .

The stones are then cut and then mounted on a silver ring . This high quality metal does not tarnish over time, retaining its silver shine and solidity. It also allows our natural stones to deploy all their beneficial energy.

You will have understood: from the raw stone to the final jewel, our rings are made with love. But also, with the desire to allow you to fully benefit from the natural gems that are lithotherapy crystals.

So, browse our collection of semi-precious and natural stone rings now!

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